A line is considered to be of infinite length. It is used only for dashed lines.ĭelta-y value indicates the spacing between members of the family that is, it is measured perpendicular to the lines. Each pattern line is considered to be the first member of a line family, created by applying the delta offsets in both directions to generate an infinite family of parallel lines.ĭelta-x value indicates the displacement between members of the family in the direction of the line.
Blank lines and text to the right of a semicolon are ignored.
However, you must begin a pattern definition with a letter or number, not a special character. You can include letters, numbers, and the special characters underline (_), hyphen (-), and dollar sign ($).
Each line in a pattern definition can contain up to 80 characters. Hatch pattern definitions follow these rules: This simple pattern definition specifies a line drawn at an angle of 45 degrees, the first line of the family of hatch lines is to pass through the drawing origin (0,0), and that the spacing between hatch lines of the family is to be 0.125 drawing units. This will bring up a dialog box containing all of the paths AutoCAD looks in for various files.ANSI Iron, Brick, Stone masonry. Click on the “Support File Search Path” tab. pat file folder location, you will need to type OP for Options. PAT file can also be located in program files under your program files autocad-version support folder. These will vary depending on your machine and version of AutoCAD.Ĭ:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\AutoCAD 20xx\Rxx.x\enu\Support\acad.patĬ:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\AutoCAD LT 20xx\Rxx.x\enu\Support\acadlt.pat Typical locations are where %USERNAME% is your name and xx.x is the version. Then in the top you can right click and copy the folder location(s) to a text file. Once the search is completed, right click on each pat file found you’ll have the option to choose Open File Location (or the folder where it resides). This search should bring up any instance of all the available PAT files. You can do this by opening the File Explorer (press Ctrl E), then proceed by clicking on the “This PC” in the left window pane, and typing in the keyword “acad.pat” into the top box in upper right and press Enter. The first step in locating your AutoCAD hatch pattern (.pat) file is to search for it within Windows.
Here’s a quick tip on how to locate your AutoCAD Hatch Patterns and then set the path. The problem may arise when you have multiple installations of AutoCAD you may have more than one. The path to your hatch pattern definitions can be found in the Support folder in AutoCAD. This PAT file is loaded every time you open a drawing in AutoCAD, and is used to set the default hatch patterns available in AutoCAD. The acad.pat (pattern / hatch) is a text file in AutoCAD that contains the source code for your hatch patterns.